Classified Advertising
For more than 100 years, the Bee
Classifieds have been teaming up buyers and sellers, employers and employees,
and much more. Since 1879, the Bee classifieds have been, and continue to be, a
part of the communities which they service, providing advertising in nine print
newspapers and now on the internet.
The Bee classifieds are an extensive reference tool for home and
business owners searching to fill many needs. The Bee Classifieds are the tool
to which thousands of readers turn each week to find the business to accomplish
the tasks they are looking to complete. Within the classified section are
published 12-16 pages of advertisements in a clear, distinct format, with easy
to read classifications. A popular feature for both buyers and sellers is the
Bee's "Finds Under $100.," which offers free advertising for merchandise for
sale for $99. or less.
Classified advertising automatically appears in all nine Bee
Newspapers, reaching the 168,000 suburban Western New York Bee readers who are
potential customers, whether buying, selling, renting, hiring, or providing a
The Bee Newspapers take pride in presenting our readers an
award-winning classified section. The Bee classifieds have been recognized with
nine New York State 1st Place Awards in 14 years and the three 1st place recognitions from the Suburban
Newspapers of America.