Please fill out the following form in detail. Deadline for copy and photos is 5 p.m. Tuesday. Ideally, materials should be sent in two weeks prior to the publication date or wedding date.
Extra copies of the papers are available at newsstand locations.
We prefer black and white original (not copy machine duplicates) 4X6, 5X7 or 8X10 photographs, can accept colored photos, vertically composed (but not full-length) photos.
You may either mail in your photo (see address below) or attach your digital photo below. Please mail your photo to Bee Newspapers, Attention: Wedding Editor, 5564 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14221-5401.
You may also deliver your photo to our office, 5564 Main Street, across from the Village Hall in the Village of Williamsville, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Deadline 5 p.m. Tuesday) or drop off through our front door slot at anytime.
There is a minimum waiting period of three months (12 weeks) between publication of an engagement announcement and a wedding announcement. Wedding announcements will not be published later than three months (12 weeks) after the date of the ceremony.
The Bee does not guarantee a publication date, and reserves the right to edit all material.
You must supply an email address. After you submit the form, you will receive an email from The Bee.
If you do not receive an email confirmation, we did not receive your submission.