WNY's Leading Suburban Newspapers

Staff Contact

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5564 Main Street 
Buffalo NY 14221

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Amherst Bee Editor
Clarence Bee Editor
Ken-Ton Bee Editor
Cheektowaga Bee Editor
Lancaster Bee Editor
Depew Bee Editor
Orchard Park Bee Editor
East Aurora Bee Editor
West Seneca Bee Editor
BeeThere Editor
Managing Editor
Circulation Department    632-1791   Subscription@BeeNews.com
Advertising Department   204-4933   Brendad@BeeNews.com
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Staff Listing


Bob Kupczyk Managing Editor Editorial 204-4905  bobk@BeeNews.com
Amy Wallace Amherst Editor Editorial 204-4917  awallace@BeeNews.com
Emily Stoll Clarence Bee Editor Editorial 204-4921   estoll@beenews.com
Victoria Hill Cheektowaga Bee Editor Editorial 204-4915 victoriah@beenews.com
Brennen Harris Orchard Park Editor Editorial 204-4902 bharris@beenews.com
Chitra Selvaraj Ken-Ton Editor Editorial 204-4920 chitras@beenews.com
Justin Sullivan East Aurora Editor Editorial 204-4918 jsullivan@beenews.com
Jim Sinner Lancaster/Depew Editor Editorial 204-4924 jsinner@beenews.com
Eric Keppeler West Seneca Editor Editorial 204-4922 ekeppeler@beenews.com
Michael Polce Reporter Editorial 204-4925 mikep@beenews.com
Emma McElligott Reporter Editorial 204-4914 emma@BeeNews.com
Stephanie Zawadzki Special Sections Reporter Editorial 204-4916 stephaniez@BeeNews.com
Sean Bermingham Sports Reporter Editorial 204-4919 sbermingham@BeeNews.com
Teresa Eastman Classified Sales Classified 204-4927 teastman@beenews.com
Mike Williams Circulation Manager Circulation 204-4943 mwilliams@beenews.com
Heather Zerillo Publisher Publisher   hzerillo@beenews.com
Brian Nalepa President      bnalepa@samplenewsgroup.com
Jason Nadolinski Sports Reporter Editorial 204-4904 jnadolinski@BeeNews.com
Pat Nagy Sports Reporter Editorial 204-4903 pnagy@BeeNews.com
Jackie Szarafin Production Manager Production 204-4948 jackies@beenews.com
Brenda Denk Sales Manager Advertising 204-4933 brendad@beenews.com
Kara Damon Measer Advertising Sales Advertising 204-4941 karad@beenews.com
Joann Friedly Advertising Sales Advertising 204-4936 jfriedly@beenews.com
Tambra Cheman Advertising Sales Advertising 204-4937 tcheman@beenews.com
Barbara Szaras Advertising Sales Advertising 204-4935 barbs@beenews.com
Rae Ann Tamberelli Advertising Sales Advertising 204-4946 raeannt@beenews.com
Al Pitzonka Advertising Sales Advertising 204-4938 apitzonka@beenews.com
Keli Wesolowski Accounting Manager Accounting 204-4906 kwesolowski@BeeNews.com
Vince Visciano New Business Advertising Sales Advertising 204-4952 vincev@beenews.com
Mark Militello New Business Advertising Sales Advertising 204-4923 markm@beenews.com