A | You can request where you would like the ad to appear such as local or sports etc., but we do not guarantee the position. |
A | We cover the suburbs of Buffalo to include: Amherst, Clarence, Kenmore/Tonawanda, Cheektowaga, Lancaster, Depew, West Seneca, Orchard Park and East Aurora |
A | Yes, each of our papers is online individually...AmherstBee.com, ClarenceBee.com, KenTonBee.com, CheektowagaBee.com, LancasterBee.com, DepewBee.com, WestSenecaBee.com, OrchardParkBee.com, and EastAuroraBee.com |
A | You may change the size of your ad and the papers that you would like your ad to be published in each week. |
A | You have a couple of options. Web ads cannot run online without running your ad in print. We do have an online banner ad that is positioned about the name of the paper online that you may place your advertisement without a print ad. |
A | That is strictly your choice. There are advantages to both. Special Sections automatically go into all 9 papers and you receive a story about your business up to 200 words. Placing an ad in the body of the paper of your choice can target areas you would like to obtain results from. |
A | The more our readers see your ad, the more you have the opportunity for them to respond to your ad. |
A | The Bee is distributed through the Post Office and via Bee Boxes and racks in high traffic areas. You will see them in Amherst, Kenton, Cheektowaga, Orchard Park and East Aurora. |
A | Classified ads automatically go into all 9 newspapers and are a separate section inserted into all the Bees. Display ads have the flexibility of choosing which newspapers you would like to place your ad in. They are published with the editorial portion of the newspapers. |
A | The editorial content for our readers cannot be found anywhere else. We thoroughly cover sports, school news, your community residents, what's going on in and around your neighborhood and so much more. Our readers read us because they are involved in their communities and want to know all about it. We are told they read the paper from cover to cover. We always hear how much our readers love the Bee. When you place your ad in the Bee you know your ad will be seen. |
A | Amherst, Clarence and Kenton publish every Wednesday. Cheektowaga, Lancaster/Depew, West Seneca, Orchard Park and East Aurora all publish on Thursday. |